Getting to know Trauttmansdorff for schools

In order to secure your tour on the day you want, we recommend booking at least three weeks in advance!
Upon final booking, you will receive a booking confirmation from us.

Each didactic activity can only be booked by 4 classes (maximum 60 pupils) per time. If you would like to visit us with several classes, please choose either different times or different topics.
The didactic activities can only be booked from grade 4 primary school onwards.

The price of 9.00 € for the guided tour consists of 4.50 € for the tour and 4.50 € admission per student.
Teachers receive free admission and guided tour.
Please clarify the payment method in advance with your secretary.

90 minutes
Price: €4.50*
This request must be submitted no later than 5days before the desired date.