Tropical Crops
Join us on an expedition to discover the cultivated plants that have provided humanity with spices and valuable fruits for thousands of years. Smell the sweet scent of vanilla among the orchids and uncover incredible stories about the uses of exotic plants. Where does cocoa bloom? Which reed produces sugar? Why is a banana curved? These and many more fascinating questions will be answered as we explore the mini jungle of the gardens and take part in the Cocoa Workshop.

To secure your preferred date, we recommend making a reservation at least three weeks in advance.
Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive a booking confirmation from us.

Each educational activity can only be booked by one class per time slot (maximum 30 students). If you plan to visit with multiple classes, please select either different time slots or different topics.

The price of €9.00 per student for the educational activity consists of: €4.50 for the guided tour, €4.50 for garden admission
Teachers receive free admission and guided tours.
Please clarify the payment method in advance with your administration.

120 minutes
Price: €4.50*
This request must be submitted no later than 5days before the desired date.